Dear Mama,
I’ve created this page as a one-stop compilation of some of the basic tools I believe could help you transform your juggle-struggle into your journeys of becoming! I’ve called it the Ultimate Scholarly Mama® Printable Bundle!
This includes my exclusive keep-it-simple printable resources which I think you’ll love (hand-made by me with love, well not exactly made by hand, more like created on a computer, but you get the point!).
It includes 49 printable pages of prompts and templates to help you set your goals, plan your tasks, manage your to-do lists, track your progress, practice simple self-care, pack for family trips, express daily gratitude, and create fulfilment!
It’s the printable bundle every Scholarly Mama® needs :-). If this sounds like something you’d find helpful, you’ll find this inside our purposeful Scholarly Mamas® community (The COLLECTIVE).
Feel free to also check out my children’s books (written by yours truly, inspired by our sons) which are for clever, creative kids aged 4-8 years!
Also, if you’re looking for my book favs, i.e. books that I’ve found insightful and helpful on my journey of personal development, check out My Bookshelf.
Remember Mama, these are our journeys of becoming!
With much love and best wishes,