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SMART Goal Guide & Tracker
Goal setting is a process of deciding on what you want to achieve and then developing a plan to help you reach your goals.
It’s important because it helps you focus on what you want in life, rather than what you don’t have.
Setting goals can begin with just writing down your desired outcomes or creating a vision board. Once these are set, the next step is to make sure that these goals are achievable and measurable.
This can be done by following the SMART principles – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. I believe they should also be flexible! (more on this inside Scholarly Mamas®)
I created this simple, printable SMART Goal Guide & Tracker for you to set your goals the SMART way, write them down and stay on track.
You just need your printed copies, a pen and 15-30 minutes to do this.
I challenge you to set your SMART goals with purpose and intention and see what happens!
This SMART Goal Guide & Tracker now lives within the Resource Hub inside our Scholarly Mamas® community (The COLLECTIVE). You’ll find it within the Ultimate Scholarly Mama® Printable Bundle located there.
Remember, these are our journeys of becoming!