Get My To-Do List Organiser
Have you ever had such a long to-do list that you felt like you first needed a “cuppa something”, a long, warm bath and an extended power nap before you could even muster the courage to tackle it?
Well, with this simple, printable To-Do List organiser, you can brain-dump your long list of tasks (after that drink, long bath & power nap, of course) when you’re ready to face it.
You can even mark approximately how long you think each task will take so that when you are scheduling it in your weekly or daily planner (see my MMPhD Planner) you can be realistic with the time available.
In addition, you can assign a priority rating for each one!
How awesome is that!
Now you can finally have a tidy, organised to-do list that you don’t need to run away from!
All you’ll need is your printed copy, a pen and a few minutes of your time.
It’s time we take back control of these to-do lists Mamas, as I’m convinced they have conspired to take us over!
The To-Do List Organiser now lives within the Resource Hub inside our Scholarly Mamas® community (The COLLECTIVE). You’ll find it within the Ultimate Scholarly Mama® Printable Bundle located there.
Remember, these are our journeys of becoming!